Recently, the world went aflame with the newest episode 9 of season 6 of Game of Thrones; likewise, the word about the graphics Game of Agencies spread across social media channels.

So, what is Game of Agencies? This is a funny tribute to the popular Game of Thrones TV show which uses their characters as protagonists of job titles in creative agencies.

This series of graphics was created by ChimpAndZinc, with the help of illustrations from the website WhereHaveAllTheWildlingsGone (currently down, but you can find it in the web archives).

Tell us if you agree with the state of these roles and which one(s) you prefer.

Game of Agencies:

Art Director: Grey Worm

Art Director: Grey Worm

Client 1: Ramsay Bolton

Client 1: Ramsay

Client 2: Melissandre of Ashai
Client 2: Melissandre of Ashai

Client Servicing: Varys

Client Servicing: Varys

Copywriter: Tyrion Lannister

Copywriter: Tyrion Lannister

Creative Director: Cersei Lannister

Creative Director: Cersei

Designers: the Unsullied

Designers: the Unsullied

HR: Jon Snow

HR: Jon Snow

Intern: Samwell Tarly

Intern: Samwell Tarly

Media Manager: Mace Tyrell

Media Manager: Mace Tyrell

SEO Specialist: Three-eyed Raven

SEO Specialist: Three-eyed Raven

Strategist: Petyr Baelish

Strategist: Petyr Baelish

Source: ChimpAndZinc

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Vesna Savić

Dedicates her time to learning about better means of communication, translating knowledge into practice, and is a passionate reader.