corporate rebranding dos and don'ts

Rebranding is not just a fad. It is a process which presumes your company has reached a point at which it should move on to a higher level of design. And you are there to choose the right time, pace, and steer the wheel.

Here are five dos and five don’ts of corporate rebranding.


5 Dos and Don’ts of Corporate Rebranding


Corporate Rebranding: DO

1. Do your homework.

Before you do anything, you need to ask yourself a few questions which may prevent you from making a mistake. For starters, you need to know if you really need a rebrand.

– When was the last time we had a rebrand? If it was at the turn of the century, then you probably do; however, if you did it a couple years ago and your brand is still trendy (according to the newest design trends), then doing a rebrand should not be your top priority.

– When did my competition do it? If they did it recently, you can do it, too (however, mind the directions from question 1). If they did it ages ago, then you should probably be the first one and start the change – and be ahead of them.

– How will this affect my business? Only you know the answer to this question.


2. Do more than a logo overhaul.

What many companies mistakenly do is that they change only their logo and think that will do. Corporate rebranding is actually about changing strategies. It is the ability to identify flaws and making strong points out of them.

For example, creating a new brand compass can help you a lot. In a brand compass, you enlist your company’s vision, mission, values, and objectives, which all differ from a brand purpose – the reason your company exists (profit excluded, of course).

Getting these things on paper can help you in writing a motto of your company alongside a new logo, and making changes in the physical environment to be closely connected with it – such as the office, event branding, branded car wrap, etc.


3. Ask for internal advice.

Your team needs to be involved in the process. What many companies forget is that people who work for them are a part of the company, and it is up to you to give them a chance to sparkle in this.

You can organize an informal meeting, not an obligatory one, where you all can brainstorm ideas and give a piece of your mind.

After you have done this, you can make an outline, a brief for your designers and tell them exactly what you have gathered.


4. Get external insights.

External insights are as important as necessary ones. When rebranding, it is important to conduct an external research with your target group. See how they perceive your brand or corporate identity and spot if there are some ameliorations that can be done.

The testing phase can also be included once more after you have done the rebranding so as to test brand recognition and reactions.


5. Launch a campaign.

After you have decided to do an overhaul, you need to think way ahead. If you are making a major change, you should do it gradually – announce it on your preferred social media channels and create excitement. If the change goes unnoticed, the results will not be the same as when you create a hype over it.


Corporate Rebranding: DON’T

1. Don’t do it overnight.

Rebranding is a process. Just like your customers would be appalled if you would do it overnight, your team would probably be offended if you had not consulted them in the first place. Instead of changing everything overnight, try talking to your employees and inform them about your ideas – and allow for their suggestions.


2. Don’t avoid planning.

Doing things out of the blue, especially in business, does not bring positive results in the long run (unless you are really, really lucky). Making a strategy and testing it with certain brand metrics which only you can find valuable (KPI and ROI, e.g.), will give you a clear picture if you are doing things right or wrong, and would only prove right (or wrong) that the strategy is working. Make it work and prevent all possible mishaps.


3. Don’t overpromise.

The worst thing that can happen when you have announced a big change is – failing to conduct it. It is simple: if you are not sure how things will work out in the end – do not start the process in the first place. Keep it real all the time.


4. Don’t oversell.

Overpromising and overselling are closely connected, but there is a difference. If you oversell and the feedback is bad, you are clearly doing it wrong. If you create the hype, make it flashy, with stars and stripes, and your product and service are bad – this can hit you in the head like a boomerang. Be realistic and keep your brand with both feet on the ground.


5. Don’t do it yourself.

No matter if you own a small or medium-sized business, or if you are a solopreneur with graphic skills or even a digital agency, it is always best to hire an outsider, some other design studio to do the job for you. Regardless of how much experience you have in this field, corporate rebranding needs to be done by an outsourcer if you want it to be done properly. And we have just the skills and expertise needed. Feel free to contact us and ask for graphic design > corporate rebranding services.


Wrapping Things Up

Remember that these are only tips we have gathered in our experience, and these do not need to be respected blindly. It is up to you to choose what course to take when rebranding your corporation. We hope find them helpful. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

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Vesna Savić

Dedicates her time to learning about better means of communication, translating knowledge into practice, and is a passionate reader.