toy story buzz lightyear voiced by tim allen and played by 'tim eastwood'

Imagine a combination of low-budget spaghetti westerns and Pixar cartoons, such as Toy Story. What world would it be set in and what stories would we be able to see? In fact, such a story has been at the center of attention of an American illustrator, Ástor Alexander.

Ástor Alexander is a San Diego-based illustrator and painter whose main body of work focuses on the combination of digital art and painting. In this series he presents us his project “Toy Story: The Spaghetti Western” in which Toy Story star Buzz Lightyear, voiced by Tim Allen, is presented as Clint Eastwood of “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” so we get a new character of ‘Tim Eastwood’, whereas Sheriff Woody, voiced by Tom Hanks, now becomes ‘Tom Stewart’, after the famous western actor James Stewart.

See who else was depicted in this ludicrous series ingeniously designed by Astor Alexander.

Follow him on Behance, Twitter, and visit his portfolio on Tumblr.

toy story spaghetti western 1 posters of western characters

toy story spaghetti western 1 buzz lightyear and sheriff woody

toy story spaghetti western 3 sergio leone jesse

toy story spaghetti western 4 jessee detail

toy story spaghetti western 5 buzz lightyear detail

toy story spaghetti western 6 sheriff woody

toy story spaghetti western 7 detail

toy story spaghetti western 8 detail

toy story spaghetti western 9 tim eastwood

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Vesna Savić

Dedicates her time to learning about better means of communication, translating knowledge into practice, and is a passionate reader.