Are you in a mood for coffee? Do you like it to be freshly roasted, with a nutty flavor, and French pressed? Or do you prefer the good old espresso shot? Perhaps you are a coffee aficionado with your own professional apparatus, and you simply love making your specialty coffee by yourself?
Either way, you cannot deny the uniqueness of that special drink that billions of people around the world enjoy every day. Multiple times a day.
Have you ever wondered – is your coffee coming from Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenia, Brazil? Do you know how far have those coffee beans traveled just to get inside that cup of yours and make your day? Do you ever think of the farmers, roasters, and baristas that your beans meet along the way?
Now, let us change a perspective for a moment. Let us start walking in a graphic designer’s shoes and see how difficult it is to come with an original, creative, delightful, and elegant packaging design for such highly-competitive market. Should it be ordinary or extraordinary, minimalistic and plainly black and white, or should you make it a bursting splash of playful colors? Remember, your goal is to make a distinctive product, attractive to the consumers, to all those coffee lovers around the globe, and you need to make a brand out of it.
Having trouble with finding inspiration for such a task?
Inspiring coffee packaging solutions
These inspiring coffee packaging solutions might help your creative energy flow.

Alabaster coffee roaster
Amato coffee
Atlas coffee club
Bazar coffee
Coffee inn coffee
OZO coffee
Publik coffee roasters
Torch coffee roasters
Union coffee
Woods coffee
Source: The Dieline