react js development enterprise app development

In the past few years, creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces within enterprise app development services has become a vital task both in mobile and web app design, regardless of the framework developers use to create the UI. Apart from this, proper UI development has become a challenging and time-consuming task requiring effort, creative ideas, and concentration to design each site component properly.

This is why a lot of companies have chosen to choose React.js for their enterprise app development projects, as this JavaScript library enables designers to simplify the development process while delivering high-standard and truly quality interfaces. 

You don’t have to be a whizz in the area of professional enterprise web app development to know about the sophisticated functions and feathers of React.js. It’s just enough to check out giants like PayPal, Netflix, Facebook, Walmart, Tesla Motors, and a massive number of other websites that are powered by this stellar library. 

Still, what makes React.js one of the top options when it comes to enterprise app development services? Why is React.js an excellent choice for enterprise-level brands, small businesses, and everything else in between for developing UIs that help users keep entertained, engaged, and convert? 

It’s true that every framework has its own set of pros and cons, and different developers will opt for various systems. Still, in this article, we will focus on the benefits of custom React Native development solutions and strive to answer the question of why most enterprise app development projects opt for this very library. 


Defining React.js

In essence, React.js is a JavaScript library created by the developers at Facebook. It’s an expressive, efficient, and rather flexible JS framework toolkit that enables developers and designers to create scalable app frontends and applications simply and quickly. Ever since its introduction, it has been a dominant player in the field of front-end development and is the go-to option for several popular brands; site owners can rest assured that React brings quite a few benefits to the area of enterprise app development. 


React Features

Most agencies providing enterprise app development services will be able to tell that there are several things that set React.js apart from its competitors. For starters, developers often highlight the following features: 

  • One-way data binding: The unidirectional data flow in React.js enables experts to edit parent components directly with the callback function. With the help of Flux, a JS-based architecture, developers have more general control over their mobile or online applications, boosting overall efficiency and flexibility. 
  • Virtual DOM: This is one of the most prominent features of the JS toolkit. React can easily duplicate web pages in its virtual memory bank, thanks to its memory reconciliation technology. What this means is that the virtual DOM is a “virtual” representation of the actual DOM, with the virtual version re-rendering the entire UI with each actual web app alteration. In the end, only the changed components will be updated in the virtual DOM and not all of them. This can lower development costs and speed up the entire process. 
  • Component-based architecture:  a React-based web or mobile application’s interface is separated into several components, and each parent component will work independently with its own set of rules with the logic written in JS. This lets experts simply pass data throughout the app without having too much to worry about DOM alterations. Needless to say, these components are crucial to the overall look of the apps and how users can interact with them. 
  • React Native: This is an exclusive React.js renderer that, instead of web components, prioritizes native elements. Native adapts the specific code to iOS and Android systems and gives designers/developers access to specific native features and functionality. 
  • Declarative UI: The library updates and renders the necessary components when data mutation takes place, creating a simple and effective view for each applicable state. This tremendously improves code readability and makes debugging easier. 


Using React.JS for Enterprise App Development: The Key Reasons and Benefits

Experts in web app development will usually agree that when talking about leading front-end technology, React is still among the ideal options for most projects, let those be mobile or web applications. Below, we will discuss the five key reasons why designers and developers recommend this JS-based library for your next project.


1. Better Designer/Developer Productivity

As stated above, React.js is a handy reusable code package that allows interface design for websites, mobile apps, and web apps. In the hands of an experienced enterprise app development company, developers and designers can create massive enterprise-level applications fast by reusing already existing and written shortcodes and integrating them into new workflows. This will enable them to be more productive without creating UIs and designs that feel/look the same. 

In this regard, React.js is a great option for those enterprises that are looking for a digital product that will hit the market quickly. Additionally, the nature of the library will also enable the owners to opt for rapid changes post-launch. 

2. Simple, Fast, and Scalable

React.js creates discrete components that make up the broader interface and then uses simple JS and HTML components to develop the more complex interface functionality and features.

For example, the dynamic DOM can update all dynamic UI components without the need to reload an entire page. This speeds up load times both in mobile and web apps. 

Needless to say, both users and Google like fast-loading applications. Companies who are serious about their enterprise web development processes should pay attention to the importance of a fast platform, as a few-second delay may lead to considerable losses in lead generation, conversions, and sales.

Without a doubt, the speed and agility of React code make the library extremely valuable. 

On the other hand, React also allows experts to integrate several code layouts (PHP, HTML, JS) into the interactive UI components in a way that will enable scalability. And with the help of several exclusive add-ons, developers can further improve app workflow and overall functionality. 

3, Declarative Applications

React enables developers to declare every application outcome in a way they like it to be carried out and let the computer take it from there, rather than teaching the computer how to produce any given outcome. The declarative API also makes stellar use of reconciliation, so there’s no need to worry about any sudden changes. 

4. Features Boosting User Experiences

As mentioned above, in terms of interactive enterprise web development, React.js has a lot to bring to the table. For example, you have JSX, a fantastic JS extension allowing developers to use dynamic content in webpage layouts with the help of simple HTML-style code. The inclusion of these interactive components can create more engaging experiences for users than other static layouts would do.

On the other hand, using HTML without JSX or React.js would make pages loud every time a single change occurs on the screen, making interaction with the app overly cumbersome and slow, ultimately leading the user to abandon it. As mentioned above, the Virtual DOM or Virtual Document Object Model can update the components without the need to refresh the entire page. 

Have you ever left a comment on somebody’s Facebook picture? It’s a seamless and fast process that won’t require any unnecessary reloads. That’s the virtual DOM at play. 

User experience is becoming an ever more important aspect of development and design. If you already have a strong enterprise brand identity, you want to opt for a library that’s flexible enough to represent that brand identity online or in a mobile app flawlessly. React has the agility to cater to any front-end need, both in terms of functionality and design. 

5. Availability and Strong Support

If you opt for React Native enterprise app development services, you will end up with a mobile app that has exclusive interactive capabilities running smoothly on iOS, Android, and UDG systems. 

Used to create mobile apps from scratch, React Native boasts various interactive components, like social media buttons, animations, live polls, and so on. 

Also, being search engine-friendly, React-powered websites will be visible to major search engines like Google and Bing. 

Lastly, being an open-source library, it also has a strong app design and development community behind it. This means that anybody can download the code, improve it, alter it, or simply make it better and share it with the rest of the community to ensure continuous improvement.

This can be crucial even in an enterprise app development setting, as even your in-house teams may ask certain questions from React.js agencies or expert developers who can help them create an even better custom application for your needs. 


Opt for Cutting-Edge Solutions

By looking at the capabilities and benefits above, it’s simple to understand why most enterprises and mid-level businesses choose React.js to power their applications. 

Fast delivery times, excessive functionality, simplicity, and agility are the name of the game. That being said, teaming up with a reputable web development company specializing in React.js can help you create a well-performing mobile or online application that will employ all the latest advancements a frontend should have while leaving just enough space for further scalability and rapid changes if necessary. 

Szabolcs Szecsei

Szabolcs Szecsei born on February 4th, 1989, A Hungarian writer, living in Novi Sad, Serbia. With a master’s degree in Communication and Media Studies, Szabolcs has been working in the news and marketing industry for more than six years. Apart from writing, Szabolcs is also a professional touring and recording musician, working for several bands and projects.