The concept and way of implementing viral marketing strategies
If you have a need for personal promotion or promotion of your brand, the internet is a medium that offers many creative and effective ways to achieve this. Internet marketing or on-line marketing, refers to a set of powerful tools and methodologies used for the promotion of products or services over the Internet.
It can be divided into several general areas, such as web marketing, e-mail marketing and social media marketing (including viral marketing).
Below we explain the term viral marketing, as an area that can bring a great return on investment (ROI).
What is viral marketing?
Viral marketing is a type of marketing in which the communication message spreads from person to person like a virus, so that the name viral marketing.
Viral marketing includes any strategy that encourages the individual to expand the marketing message to others, creating the potential for its exponential growth in terms of availability. Like viruses, such marketing strategies use an advantage of the fast multiplication to deliver the message to thousands or millions of people.
Presumpiton of viral marketing is that when each new user starts to use a product or service, advertisements goes to everyone who has contact with the user.
How effective is viral marketing?
Viral marketing can be a very effective way to attract attention and interest to your buiseness. Attract great interest is not as easy as it seems, but it is possible.
An important factor that should be considered at viral marketing is the ability to bring real benefits to improve sales of your products or services.
Many viral campaigns can attract a lot of attention and traffic to the site, but generate a small number of conversations and sales. We will give an example for viral marketing on the Internet at one of the most popular tool, the video sharing site – YouTube.
When many users notice a good video and share it with others, this increase the number of video views in a very short time. This method of marketing can bring a drastic increase in traffic on the site, but the effects decrease because of badly spreading of marketing messages. The result is a low conversion rate on the site.

What is the secret of succesful viral marketing?
Creating a successful viral content is not a simple job, but when it comes to brands that can be even more demanding. Audiences, often do not dare to propagate the content created by brands, but this is not a limitation and does not mean you can not make a successful story.
Three secrets of successful viral marketing tips for brands:
- There is a chance to fail, be prepared for it. For each content creation there is a chance that it not will be viral. This does not mean that you should not expect positive results, it means you should be prepared for a few tries before you make a hit.
- Create an incredibly compelling content - regardless of what kind of content, you have to find ways to make it interesting to your audience. Think first at the audience. How will they feel? What is that what would encourage them to share the content proactively with others?
- Create a content that can be visible everywhere - you need to invest time and effort to get an unique idea. It is well known that plagiarism do not pass, so do not copy others. Blog posts and e-books are great ways of promotion, but there are to many of them on the Internet. If you want to success in the branded viral marketing you need to reach further than anyone else has done it before. It is not necessary to create a viral sensation, you need to create an useful, entertaining and relevant content where your audience will enjoy and spread it further, increasing the availability and exposure of your brand.
It is very important that brand advertising is not in the first place, you should forget yourself, your products and company. Your buiseness promotion should be very discreet – never in the limelight.
Methods of implementation strategy of viral marketing on the internet
To implement the strategy of viral marketing follow the next steps:
- Strategies and creating ideas that will expand.
- Creating a custom content (video, microsite, widgets…)
- Finding the best viral channels and target audience, understanding their interests and connecting with them.
- Starting viral campaigns in selected channels – blogging, social engagement, pay per click, etc…
- The use of web analytics and tracking of key performance indicators of viral campaigns, including traffic, downloads, user comments and conversion rate, to make appropriate improvements where necessary.

Order a viral marketing service
Do you want your users to track you on social networks and massively share your content? Learn more about the technique of creating viral content that is distributed on digital communication channels - social networks and platforms for sharing video and graphic content. Our viral marketing experts create content that encourages users to react and spread a positive image of your brand no matter where you are.